ACUVUE® OASYS 1-DAY for ASTIGMATISM 散光隱形眼鏡只需 one touch,瞬間帶來穩定清晰的視力!採用專利淚水融合科技, 結合高透氧物料,雙眼全日保濕水潤, 有效減低眼睛疲勞¹,一整天都舒適。1-DAY散光CON提供的清晰視力助你於繁忙日程中保持最佳發揮!1
1 Day即棄型隱形眼鏡的包裝為30片/盒
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最強「透氧 x 防曬」組合2除了保濕透氣,還擁有最高級防紫外線標準‡,有效阻隔>99%的UVB及>90%的UVA,同步兼顧眼睛健康!
獨有 Eyelid Stabilized Design 穩定設計3,利用眼瞼自然運動的力量幫助保持鏡片處於正確的位置,即使不斷眨眼,隱形眼鏡都不移位。矯正散光簡單有效!
Number of lenses in the box: 30
Manufacturer: Johnson & Johnson
Acuvue Oasys 1-Day for Astigmatism (30) are daily toric contact lenses for astigmatism, from the manufacturer Johnson & Johnson.
Acuvue Oasys 1-Day for Astigmatism (30) are comfortable and convenient as there is no need for daily cleaning or storage.
Acuvue Oasys 1-Day for Astigmatism (30) contact lenses are a great choice for people with allergies, because of reduced build-up of pollen and other deposits.
These lenses are also ideal for people who are sensitive to cleaning fluids
Daily contact lenses is the healthy choice for your eyes because there is no day-to-day accumulation of lens deposits, and no overnight wear.
Daily contact lenses are more expensive than 1-2 week or monthly lenses, but remember that higher lens cost is partially offset by the money you’ll save on lens care products, since they won’t be needed.